Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 33.

  • Just know what i was doing =), See you next week hopefully! Working on a project.. which will ensure further victory!
  • Don't forget about plp or lpl whatever it was.. Also Good racing
  • Does this mean I get another award? so I'll have 2 of the same?
  • Hey the transfer window timed out and nothing was given?
  • (Quote from |DSC|-The_Cro_Legend)alright sounds good
  • no LF? as in Light Fighter? Whaaaaat!
  • alright, thanks for the answer. I'll have to prep another ship. by the way, your English isn't that bad. You just don't use the correct words sometimes, but you still get the point across, and that's what matters.
  • Thanks for the reminder Husker, I completely forgot it was friday! I'll see you all at the finish line once again hopefully! I would have won for sure last week! and this week is no different. Time to prep my ship.
  • My route was... arena, x, Tarsus, Far point, tarsus, x,o alpha, o beta, sig 19, sig 17, sig 19, honshu, new T, kyushu, tau 29, tau 31, leeds, manchester, cortez, cali, ny, custodian, x, enyo. Main difference was i went to far point first, and instead of going to theta i went too beta. Good racing with everyone! and thanks again Husker.
  • How many systems is the short route Michael? Also, the gap at the end might have been bigger if I wouldn't have stopped in New T at a planet for rum and to 'wash' the drifting effect from my ship.
  • can't be done
  • Oh I see, I misunderstood.
  • forcing a dock at a base or planet could be alright, or at least coming close to it. Killing during a race might drive players away from wanting to race. suggestion: force everyone to use a LF For these reasons:to be a contender in all pvp events you NEED a VHF (aside from smuggler hunt, where you can out move a player in a VHF with a LF). and there has been no restriction to who can have which fighter. some players clearly have an edge in the ship they choose. As i clearly had an edge in my LF…
  • Small bump: Race starting soon.. expected race time slightly under 1 hour. See you all at the finish line
  • congrats, and of course i changed it already =].
  • Bump, This should be a great race! I will be testing a new ship for this race, Good Luck
  • thanks, I disrupted a lot of TLs, with the mine trick. Only because I really felt the need to. @ black swordclose, but my route was Custodian [Start] X-3043 Tohoku Chugoku Sigma-13 [Check] New Berlin Hamburg Bering [Check] Texas New York Colorado Sea Of Shadows [Check] Colorado Galileo Shikoku New Tokyo [Check] Kyushu Tau 29 Tau 31/Planet Harris [Check] Leeds Cambridge Omega 5 Omega 41 Utopia [Finish] I used JHs that were really close to each other.
  • It was really close near the start of the race, I dropped 10+k behind Ryo and vishnu. so took a better route and we all showed up at the new tokyo gate at the same time. i had a failed dock and was left behind about 8k. vishnu got disconnected. me and ryo got a disrupted tradelane, by the time we were near the new york gate in colorado i was less then 1 k behind. another failed dock. and That was the last time i seen him. he went through the gate to manhattan, and i went through the other one (…
  • Arena (Start) X-3043 Nephele (Check) Inner Cloud The Corridor New London Leeds Dublin (Check) Leeds Tau 31 Tau 29 Kyushu New Tokyo Shikoku (Check) New Tokyo Honshu Sigma 13 New Berlin Stuttgart (Check) New berlin Sigma 13 Frankfurt Quantos Freeport 7 (Check) X-3043 Custodian (Finish) That route looks like madness, but it was awesomely fast.Thanks again husker! and everyone else who joined in.