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  • (Quote from Faaby) THIS. Bomber VHFs are a real area of lack in Crossfire, I have ideas within my clan's specialized attack wing (Omega Wing) to utilize them more effectively in groups with standard VHFs and "gunship" VHFs, but due to the lack of capacity of torpedoes for extended use in the field (read: Inner Core sector) and/or weak damage output against Inner Core alien capships, they are almost next to useless IMHO. For torpedoes to be actually useful, each launcher really needs it's own ca…
  • Yea, you've read the Omega Wing manual Faaby, you know well that my battle plans anticipate for that to happen. It will make for much more interesting Inner Core missions again as I always enjoy having big, heavily armored static targets for us to destroy. It was quite a challenge back when destructible universe was still on-line to take down a Dom' base, as I remember an early SA IC mission last year we did that where I ended up leading it after Arrow's capital ship was destroyed, we only had …
  • Sounds like a plan Sam! To develop a bomber as well would be a major boon to the scant few that are available in CF.
  • (Quote from SA_ARROW) Quoted fo tr00f. Grand, if you think you need more power, come talk to me about alternate firing techniques, I can help you out.
  • Hey OP, out of curiosity's sake, is there any way to implement the roll controls while OUT of cruise mode, aka mouse control mode? I figure that could make flying more interesting and challenging, for those who could implement it into their flying that is.
  • SWEET! I'll have to monkey around with it then, thanks OP and Huor!