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  • My wish is: more paper - rock - scissors balancing. I mean: BS with anti-BS cannons are great against BSs, not fighters.BS with many Flaks / Flak Cruiser / Flak Gunboat are good against fighters, but can't handle capships.Bombers are great at taking down all capships and take lower dmg from flak fire.Interceptor VHFs are great at taking down bombers, but suck at capship killing (they might be able to evade capship [not flak] fire indefinitely, but can't really deal enough damage to take down BS…
  • Oh, I haven't taken technical difficulties such as lag into account. Makes me sad really. But still: Can't see any problem in changing BS armor. Anti-BS turrets: much slower projectiles, much heavier damage. Flak: one projectile, lower damage, 8.33 fire rate, big blast radius to create field damage effect. I don't understand your argument against new torpedoes. Torps are in use already. Making single torpedo with heavier damage is more lag-friendly than Hades launching 7 weak torps. Bombardment…
  • I did. I know you already did balancing and won't do it again. I am just persistent and have hope Maybe I will saw the seeds for future releases... Anyway, just to make long arguments short and considerable: I wish that in 1.9 BSs had 4x times the armor and that special slower torpedoes dealing extremely high damage were introduced. That way we get rid of fighters killing BSs (unrealistic) and get bombers. Just sawing the seeds...
  • Battleships cause lags and are unstable (famous jumping BSs are quite often view), but it doesn't make people use them less and people generally use them in stupid way, mostly as anti-fighter solutions.I don't really understand why high damage torpedoes would cause more lag than sunslayers (they dont really have to use huge blast effect anyway, penetration torpedoes come to mind), which are used extensively by everybody. Missiles cause heavy lag and it doesn't stop anybody from using them in he…
  • There are two thing that I find quite mean. First is: when I'm shooting with guns while doing a turn, if I roll my targeting reticule over one of menus - contacts or weapons - I stop shooting and can't shoot in that place. The only solution for now is to minimize menus. Is it possible to make them transparent for game so shooting "thru" them would be possible?Second is: I know that I can always push F6 and see map, but wouldn't it be possible to include a little map of the system in left upper c…