Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • 1. Can we have a board at Battleship Hood, kind of like the job board, where you can challenge players or NPCs to races in the race gates there? (Betting?)2. Missions available to kill things like Battleships and Battleships + Entourage?3. Challenges like "Who can kill the most NPCs in the shortest time" and "Who can destroy 'insert station here' the fastest?
  • How about something similar to the flak, but with a remote detonation?Sooo... It could have a detonation field of maybe a Ripper Mine, and they fire in groups of 5 or 10, similar to the non advanced flak turrets..It has ammunition, so you don't want to just spam it.... It could have a travel speed of something similar to 300 m/s.But, (if this isn't possible, just say), when you hit shift R or something, it detonates the projectiles, resulting in a wall of explosions, similar to the flaks, but no…
  • Hmm,Another idea..ACHIEVEMENTS!!!So.. 1. Go to Weth...2. Go to Hyperspace.........349. Kill a player-owned battleship in a Starflier. Suggestion? I think so.. By the way Sphinx, I agree with you, good idea... Too much ammo these days.. PS: Sorry for all the fullstops.