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  • It's hard to rescue any pilots when they are already long dead from either asphyxiation or from wounds/trauma from shrapnel entering the cockpit, methinks. The best thing you can do for the GMG pilots at this point is get their equipment and survive to return back to Sirius to "report your findings". ...And second what Faaby said, you can find those wrecks at your own peril. But really it's a wasted effort, IMHO.
  • (Quote from Faaby) No no, you guys are getting me all wrong, I was referring to the wrecks ONLY in VERY hazardous places like you had mentioned, those are ultimately a waste of time IMHO.(because you're most likely gonna be dead before you even get to the wreck, unless you're in a battleship perhaps) That's what I meant... Yea, I'm all game for exploring, so don't get me wrong!