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  • Hi, I've played CF for almost 2 weeks now and yesterday I found a JH to DK systems in Gurm (using those coded coordinates). My questions are: Are there some stations where can I dock? Is there a purpose of going into DK systems?Can you at least tell me JH from Hieron? I play CF with one friend and we are not ace pilots so it will difficult for us, I guess. Any advice will help. Fixo
  • Thanks for your answer. So I looked up some info in your links and I think I found the other way, but it spoiled the fun of exploring it (at least I'm not that lost now). So if I'm getting it right, I am supposed to (Hidden Content)I think I wrote a big spoiler for the new guys, so don't click on it unless you know what IC is
  • Thanks for a fast reply. Now I don't have such a chaos on my mind Looking forward to more and more exploring.
  • True, I won't dock there and just die, who knows, maybe if I dock there I will never be able to come back to Sirius but ofc I won't die that easy..Tonight me and my friend flew to Dervon finally and we managed to get some kills, but nothing (no data) was dropped so far so we can't go to Omega-3 yet. We will try tomorrow. Everything is going according to plan so far
  • Thanks Dino. I had some little talk with you the day before yesterday in NY with my other char, Mr.Vash, so I know you are cool guy and I can ask you in game without fear that I will be put down In general I think the server/forum is full of guys willing to help
  • Tonight we finally got to the Inner Core and after some exploring we found JG to Venn. We went through... and died after 5 minutes If only I know where those JHs are.. :\ How are those repair buoys supposed to work?Anyway, it's after midnight here so to be continued tomorrow
  • I was hoping that they can supply us with bots/bats and CMs, but repairing hull is better than nothing. I hope we will find our way to Weth next time
  • Nice, I like all those little stories behind things
  • Ryleous Arkane, you are the man! You did a great job on the Xeno Guide and you are working hard to make it even better
  • YAY! We finally got to Weth today! It wasn't that hard, we didn't have to fight even once And Grey_Area helped us and showed us a way from one JH to another. When we first got to JH to Weth I was so happy that I went immediately in and.. ehm, experienced instant death Too bad there were some enemies and they killed me before I could do anything. But the next (third?)try was successful I'm looking forward to exploring those systems now