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  • A or B? teh funn0r

    With a girl; Thin and Uber-Dumb!! (lol)... Thats a no-brainer. heres another: Condoms or inter-penile VD injections?
  • A or B? teh funn0r

    FF1. (Vin rocks) Fun movie but but cant get excited about little japenese sub-compacts with $100k of tricks added. Kinda like fixing up a Starflyer with lvl 10 weps. The 1970's muscle cars in it are cool, tho. Ford Mustang Cobra or Dodge Hemi Charger?
  • A or B? teh funn0r

    Bike (as long as it's a Harley.. or BMW in a pinch) Old Levi Jeans with a hole worn thru in the crotch or black Leather Pants?
  • A or B? teh funn0r

    ME109K. six .50 cals , or three 20mm's?
  • ehhh.... never mind. Sticks or stones: STONES. Who looks more like a bit player from "Night of the Living Dead": Mick or Keith Richards?
  • *pop* or BOOM!!

    Sound. Pistola Parabellum 9mm ["Lugar", 9 shot] or.. Browning 1911 .45 Cal. ["Colt 45", 7 shot w/1 up the pipe]
  • A or B? teh funn0r

    Which is "funnier?" Nearly every american knows, Stalags are funnier ("Hogans Heroes"). I doubt if they show that old TV comedy series in Germany, tho. The germans in WW2 held to the Geneva Conventions for brit and american POWs closer than the u.s. is now doing for arab and afgani prisoners in Gitmo (...but you didnt want to be a russian or pole in a stalag, tho) . Military history junkie or heroin junkie?