Search Results

Search results 1-2 of 2.

  • well... the best way is to test it some applications don't do well with forced AA and AF (well... its usually just AA thats causing trouble) as for the rest... since i dont have the card... just post the options you have and then we'll continue edit: left html enabled -.-
  • I would go with:Anisotropic filtering - 16xAntialiasing -Gamma correction - OffAntialiasing - Mode - Application controlledAntialiasing - Setting - Antialiasing - Transparency - offMaximum pre-rendered frames - 2Texture filtering - Anisotropic sampling options - offTexture filtering- Negative LOD bias - clampTexture filtering - Quality - High qualityTexture filtering - trilinear optimisation - 0ffThreaded optimisation - on (tho' this should have default Auto option)Triple buffering - onVertical …