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  • Understood and agreed Chris. Altought i admit to have failed somehow in not falling into the bickering, my goal is always and will remain, the well being of the SWAT Community and the Crossfire Mod. I have reached a point this year that i dreamed of since i've started player FL in MP since 2004 : Be the leader of a strong and active FL clan, respected by others members of whatever community would give me the chance. At some point i even wanted this so badly that it hurt my RL but i kept going n…
  • @Ilian : Your plans of clan wars have not been dropped m8... its slowly moving on and i have started working on key proofs-of-concept already. The first aspect of this is my work on the ASF/CSF dynamic map system. Once this step is done, i plan to integrate the clan wars concept to this soon after... Unfortunately my free time is rare and it's progressing slowly.... OP has been helping quite a bunch with this already and i hope it will live up well to CF level of greatness
  • @FUD : that quote only refers to what police and pirates do. But mercs RP is simple : they are hired by anyone and they play their side of RP while they are employed. if a merc is hired by a cop, he represents the law. If a merc is hired by a pirates he becomes criminal. StephanoV : i said i will no longer comment any of this battle between our two clans but i wish to express that the few collabs we had (conquest system and warrants) in private were very satisfying and that the atmosphere was v…