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  • Ship Warning

  • Ship Warning

    I have no clue about bugged ships. Let us hear the pro gamers aka Spiky, Gunny, some of the PXses
  • Ship Warning

    That means if a ship has no hardpoint at the front it cannot take any damage there, right? That would explain why its not happening then on a few ships...?
  • Ship Warning

    (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Ok - but only if there is a hard-point at the front, haven't you said this before that hull takes no damage but the hard-points. So if there are less or no hard-points at the front it is less vulnerable at these sections of the ship..? I don't want to discuss - but only understand properly
  • Ship Warning

    i recommend we do some ship tests in the next beta... This is not the proper thread to discuss using exploits or kinda of this topics.Be constructive and notify or OP about those exploits and then - mostly he - can deal with it.
  • Thats a lion headed monstrous fire-breathing female creature that was killed by Bellerophone - as far as i remember from Mission Impossible