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  • When you fixed something you thought that was the problem and afterwards it is not working anymore then you fixed something that didnt had to be fixed. Can you make it reverse? Crossfire's max resoultion is 1600x1200. More is not possible. It might eventually be a problem of your graphic card. So you select the server and the game crashes as soon you do so - or is there anything you see further than this (like the planet you are docked). Do you get an error message after you got thrown back to …
  • have you made a fully new char or have you used one of your IDs? Just could imagine that your char eventually got corrupted. You say as soon as you launch from the planet. As far i understood: You did once undocked from planet manhatten and then the game crashed, now if you log in again it crashes as soon the "Loading Crossfire Data" disappears(?) What have you changed before? I still think it could be graphic related - you could try to reset your resolutuion of the game back to 1024 x 768...
  • Kinda blue screen? And afterwards immediate reboot?
  • Are you using win7 or Vista? I still assume it might be a graphic driver problem. Sorry for being not able to deliver more reliable answers.If your OS crashes and your PC starts again you eventually can find information about that system crash in your event report from windows. And you could try to find more information about the error codes reported there. I assuem you have not a low end PC - so using the 128MB graphic mode in FLMM for Crossfire should not be a solution for you?
  • hehe, okay okay - that should be enough So just the game crahes. So you are back to desktop after this "crash", right? I am clueless right now. Eventually a missing dll or a dll in a wrong version... Did you update your graphics driver?Six Core CPU - hm as far as i know the game always had problems with dual cores upwards - so eventually lowering the usage of one core only for freelancer? I am just guessing as you eventually already have figured out. Trying to give you eventually some triggers …