Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Depends on the skill of the merc which is hired for this protection. Normaly you need a good ship to sell protection. About the trading, for the beginning it´s easy to get a standard VHF soon, you do not need that much money for it and Crossfire makes ist possible to Trade 500 Cargo very fast from place to place (often in the same System or just one Jump away - depends on the Market). With a Rhino there is the possibility to make a profit of 600.000 Credits (The Price of an Eagle VHF) in about a…
  • yw yep, you are - the tricky thing of a Train is to find a route where you can trade differend goods with different profits between lets say a few systems. The base stocks are currently limited to 500 unites where a Train can load 5000 units but costs fully equipped around 85 Million Credits. So basically you need a friend to load your Train (docking with a Train several times to drive around the stock limit is not well seen) with the same commodity and trade it from place to place or you need …
  • (Quote from inflkt)Is changing due to the different Market files. Explore.
  • Keep us informed Pilot, and please ask - we are visiting this place on a dayly base for exactly this reason - to answer questions Fly save!