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  • Facebook is FAIL!

    I watched it currently in the news. Facebook has again another data privacy hole where users can retrieve information of users that are not even registered there. Just because other users saved information about their friends there. OMG - i know why i am not registered there. And wont do it anytime soon. Their dataprivacy stopped somewhen in the middle ages... I know that there are a few users here who have an account there. I just wanted to ask you - if you do mind about data privacy at all?!
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    yes it matters because if i register at facebook i comply with their approaches. But if i am not a member and there is information shared about me without my knowledge than its absoultely against any data privacy.Its common sense to protect its own privacy - because thats alone my proverty. And its no matter if the name of the social network is facebook or google or or or. Unfirtunate services like that give a rats ass about data privacys at all.
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    But actually thats what happening there. It is possible to retrieve info about users that are not registered there and didnt complied with their rules and data privacy. Just because a friend of you inserted the info for about you there - just to enlight his crappy memory eventually ;D I dont like such sites - where people talk about themselves what they are doing every minute. Porsche - a famous german car developer - denied their employess the usage of social networks. Guess there are reasons …
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    Nah its not the same Michael. And isnt it a shame that nowadays its "of course" that such information can get leaked? Why arent those sites interested to protect their members, their privacy... The glassy human is reality. 20 years ago the people from the former GDR had suffered under similar conditions - and everyone has complaint about the deeds of the so called Stasi. I cannot say much about that as i was too young to recon anything about that - but from sayings from my relatives it was horr…
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    For sure there are many ways to retrieve private data from persons without their knowledge that someone has access. There are professionals who do this to get their monthly live get paid ;DAs information in the global network are passing several points - like Rex mentioned - the information can be accessed on the same number of ways. There is no 100% protection. But there is a difference between those sites who try and care about their members and those who don't (like facebook). All i wanted t…
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    I have to revive this thread. Actually i am following a debate in our "German" news about facebook. One of our state secretaries and the the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information is quarreling with facebook about the data privacy laws that are valid in Germany. Its not only the "i like" buttons that are against it - its quite a lot more personal data that is submitted into the USA (head quarter of facebook and other third party companies). Today i have read that fa…
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    Currently found this interesting site: | EUROPE versus FACEBOOK Have read a few pages of a report of the Facebook agency in Ireland. Just those few pages are enough to retreat from this social network community in my opinion. There is nothing social in my eyes, pure data collection - for a huge advertising market. With nearly no data privacy for their users. And giving their users nearly no chance to delete their data entirely. Facebook is and will be FAIL (aka Failbook
  • Facebook is FAIL!

    Thats what you believe. They even collect your personal data from sites who have the facebook plugin implemented (no matter if your logged in or not).And they do not entirely remove your data if you demand it - although they must.