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  • I've never heard or read about the 7-day protection from newbees besides that. I doubt that fallen would take totally new members, so I assume those "victims" online time has already been more than 7 days (if Im not totally mistaken) Unfortunately I wasnt online when it happend, to take care of that "suicide-part" just to respawn at a good position, to be able to be back in place quite fast. but I have a quite good I idea who it could have been. so maybe I will have a closer look on those pirat…
  • (Quote from Protocentauri)nice statement.. take it as a man. not crying about something happend to you in order of the suicide behavior, to be back in a good position faster.. well. I'm not a fallen member, but I still appologize for those mate's behaviour. They should have known better. maybe next time I will tax you, but waiting till you cross my way, so I dont have to run all the way for 500k credits see you in space
  • that must be changed by OP then, but how about if any clan decides to switch their RP? would need to changed then again, unless they want to remain displayed with the wrong RP.