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  • Blizzard is going to release the next patch where they tried to solve or balance the game. They have reworked several things that were reported by the many players. The patch shall be released next week on Wednesday. See the following points to get a detailed insight about the patched version. Balance Changes Blizzard has several balance changes in store. One general change they're making is that friendly units will no longer provide vision after being killed. Enemy units previously revealed wi…
  • Micheal and Spiky - it would help if you both dont argue about each other. In nearly every possible thread lately you both are quarreling and no one else is interested to read about it. As for a change someone could write a bit of those factions (or how ever this is called in Starcraft) because i never played the game and i dont know what its all about.And for me the game looks like C&C - but it was and is more popular and i dont know why. I really never played it and i would gladly know what i…
  • But its not what this topic is about Please... I would gladly know why they are so overpowered or whatever happens when they are too strong... Can you play with them or are these just NPCs? I really never played it and have no knowledge at all about it...
  • So when you start that game you choose one of the factions and you remain at this faction for "live-time"? And i see it would be very single sided if all would play with terrans - btw would this be possible? So two terrans fighting each other?
  • And you can watch this games? On the iNet or just by your friends over the shoulders? I pretty well understand when its so imbalanced that it doesnt makes any joy - and thats what games should be about. I know this from CoD on the PS3 there are meanwhile only progamers or kids with usually more than 6 hours play time a day playing. Makes no fun too ;D Anyway so when i would start - as a totally noob at this game - and choose the Terrans i would probably have a chance to win against a Protoss or…
  • Is there a playable demo or do I need to play the game to test it out. Dunno but i guess i would give it a try. Just generally seen its like C&C, or am i totally wrong?