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Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • you should just come on over to OP's server... there's lots of good people who play on the server, the server is good... ah heck, im sure people would be more than willing to help you out if need be!!! just gotta ask...
  • (Quote from YourConscience)i much so doubt microsoft would even bother with that for $100k and microsoft also doesnt support freelancer anymore! but if microsoft was willing to give up the liscence.. i would support you guys as best i could..!
  • well OP would have to get testimonials from as many people as possible, make up a business plan, work on assests and expenses, he would also have to come up with a budgeting plan for the bank to see... to determine if a business loan/grant is the bet optiion.. would not be worth it unless you know for sure that this is possible and would benefit and have a good budget worked out!!!
  • the community for freelancer is actually considerably large.. this would be pointless because the freelancer community might be large, but not large enough to even bother pouring money into something so risky... especially with how big microsoft is... they would frown upon the creator because they would technically be stealing the idea!!! and that would be BAD im pretty much done my Business Management/E-commerce Management course and what you are suggesting would actually be theft since the id…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)business planning, budget planning and all that stuff is very time consuming... to much time needed when all your time is already spoken for