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  • FACEPALM... Thread is fallimg to offtopic?
  • can only agree with one comment below. (Quote)
  • Indeed. Loyalist missile deflection was a lot more useful in vanilla Supreme Commander though, when tacmissiles tracked their targets.
  • FLAKKING FLAMESTRIKES. I'm gonna have a control-gasm.
  • (Quote)Basically my match with some Priest from yesterday (except I was playing as Mage). Last turn he had 26 hp due to healing (I did quite a work on his face before), I nailed him with one hell of a damage burst: Doomcaller (7 attack) + Bog Creeper (6) + Fireball x2 (6 each, 12 total) + ping (1 damage), everything to the face.Then again, that was well after 10th turn, and I did indulge in wiping his board. I love the smell of Flamestrike in the morning.
  • Mirror Entity + Potion of Polymorph is fun when played in right order. Now it's Frozen Clones(2 copies into hand)->Mirror Entity(summons a copy for your side)->Potion of Polymorph(turns the minion into a 1/1)->Exploding Runes(deals 6 damage, excess damage carries over to opponent's face), though.
  • This video is more of a how-to-play guide; but it has some humorous moments. Side note: anyone noticed Bren Gun laying on Chimera's turret?
  • For me it applies the link fuction automatically as well rather than media function. But I just go into source code mode and add media bbcode tags manually.
  • What's really ironic is that I never played MS-1. I just got T-26 and T-46 off the tutorial and got enough Exp from events to research other Tier IIs. In another stupid move I also retrained Commander and Driver from MS-1 to the KV-1 (and they are still there). But by Omnissiah IT'S SO FLAKKING CUTE.
  • might play Monster Hunter World one day and probably regret that I spoiled my first experience of having this a-hole drop in out of nowhere on a High Rank hunt.