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  • Those are shit, country music all round... Malta FTW!
  • Silly cop. Malta's streets always looked like that. Shitty acid rain wreaks havoc on structures - if you tested Sneeze gun on them, they'd collapse. It's the underground that counts. On that note - OP, can I have a custom made gun called Sneeze gun? Also, I like the blue smiles.
  • Dunno what kind of women you usually have on Prophecy, but I don't do zombies, so don't put that on me. I didn't fail, nor did I ever say anything about Malta being "home", I have no clue why you brought this up.Sidewinder's home, Malta is a vacation spot. You see, being a merc has its perks - I get to hang around all kinds of (non)people and in all kinds of places... Still would like the Sneeze gun.