Search Results

Search results 1-11 of 11.

  • I'm planning on trying to make a new promotional vid for 1.81, and I need some help. I need suggestions for some good screen capture software that won't bog down my system while I'm recording, or produce files of obscene sizes. Oh, and it has to be freeware. I'm currently searching Google and around the internet, but I thought I would post here in case anyone knew a program that I might not be able to find through online search engines. And yes, I know that I'll have to reinstall the mod with t…
  • True. I suppose I could just use VirtualDub to compress the files, so long as they're recorded in .avi format.
  • Bad news, guys. I won't be able to make a movie for the server, because I can't get the game to disaply in widescreen. I've followed the tutorials I've found through Google, and the results have been mixed. I've only gotten the widescreen mode to completely work one time. My graphics card drivers are the problem, but reinstalling them and the card haven't helped. The resolution I was trying to record at was 1280x720, the starting point for HD resolutions. I don't think it helps that I play on a…
  • I wanted it to be in HD, because nowadays it seems that people are more impressed with the 16:9 format than the standard 4:3 format. But now that I think about it, a 4:3 format would most likely be better for showing the bases and other stationary objects, as well as some of the fight sequences that I had thought up for the vid. And the graphics card I'm using is an ATI Radeon HD 3850. But it's a moot point, because I don't have the resources to work on the vid anyways. Every screen capture pro…
  • (Quote from Michael)Sure, I'll take the Fraps account. And yes, those files would be helpful. Now if I could only find a mod that makes your ship invisible...but I suppose I could just use the cockpit view and disable the cockpit instead.
  • (Quote from Michael)One of my ideas was to have a fight sequence play out throughout the vid (which I would imagine to be about 2 1/2 to 3 minutes long) but I'm not sure how I'd accomplish this. It would have to be on the multiplayer server of course, but I don't know how I would be able to get rid of the console messages and messages from other players as well so they wouldn't interrupt/ruin the filming process. I added you on Yahoo messenger, btw. And my PC is capable of recording at a consta…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Ok then, we'll go with that; although I do think that the CF logo and the title "Inner Core" should go at the end of the video instead of the beginning. The SWAT logo would be better candidate for the beginning of the video, IMO.
  • Well my original plan after the Yahoo conversation was to save the entire conversation so that I would have your instructions handy should I need them later, but I forgot to save the conversation. I still have all of the files and everything, I just forgot where to put them and what to replace. So if you could remind me, that would be great.
  • I got the PM, but it doesn't show the files that were transferred, only the locations that you told me to put them. So I still don't know exactly which files go where. I could guess, but I'd rather not do that. And how do you access the conversations on Yahoo Messenger if they are saved automatically?
  • I followed your instructions and looked at the preferences for the archiving function, and it was set to the default "Save my messages until I log out" option. So the entire conversation isn't in the message archive, which I found earlier and it was empty.