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  • 9/11 Ground Zero

    First: America is spelled with a capital "A". Just like the rest of the countries in this world. The first letter is capitalized. Second: Andreask, as much as I like you, I will simply tell you that you don't know, you simply do not know what you are posting here. The "evidence" you posted via YouTube is only the conspiracy theorists ideas. Not the facts. Yes 9/11 is not what it seemed to be entirely. I have a post here about 4 years ago ( will see if I can find it) that will enlighten you and …
  • 9/11 Ground Zero

    3% of our oil comes from Iraq pre-war. : So no, oil is not it. Money: This is the United States. We don't need anymore money. World Domination: The only standing Super Power....enough said. Drugs: Mexico..not that either. However, people like you actually believe the dribble you posted, instead of actually using strategic logic and thinking this through.
  • 9/11 Ground Zero

    Grand... Up until 2007 I was active duty in the USMC, 19 years service. I spent the majority of my last 6 years of service ingrained in the topic you are trying to discuss.( and I still am today to some degree). None of your accusations towards the motives of the US hold any weight or enough actual fact to even be probable. Unfortunately you are brainwashed by the conspiracy theorists and their mantra, which you hold as truth. I will have to take some time and post ( again) one of the real reas…
  • 9/11 Ground Zero

    What we prepared for since 2004: What follows is the unfolding of a worst-case scenario, an imaginary yet all-too-possible depiction of how events might develop if Israel were to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities.Day One: Wednesday -- In a pre-dawn raid, undisclosed numbers of Israeli warplanes, taking off from military airbases in the Negev, destroy Iran’s main nuclear facility at Bushehr. ..During the one-hour raid, Iran claims to have shot down “several” Israeli fighters. Television images sh…
  • 9/11 Ground Zero

    More potential reasons why we are in Iraq......and Afghanistan. world nuclear war is one that involves most or all nuclear powers releasing a large proportion of their nuclear weapons at targets in nuclear, and perhaps non-nuclear, states. Such a war could be initiated accidentally, aggressively or pre-emptively and could continue and spread through these means or by retaliation by a party attacked by nuclear weapons. While some speak of "limited nuclear war," it is likely that any nuclear war …