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  • i am not long enough on the server to talk about dynamik economy (never saw it in action) nor about ships (haven't tested more than a couple) but there are some small issues as far as trade in concerned that could be fixed without much effort: 1. Problem:BMGs should have realistic trade routes-- it is kinda pointless when you buy a ship full and sell whereever you dock next -- carrying them further is plain stupid as you need to fly far to get a better price thasn the common one (wich you pay a…
  • i didn't mean all, or even most stations would offer a long range trade route (not becouse of complexity, but becouse it has to be more concentrated to give pirates a chance)--just the capitals would offer those. I thought about possible goods and trade routes a bit- tring to make thegoods fit in the RP, and the routes to cover sirius, sol and a bit altair. Place (ressource/short description/trade route) Manhattan (Jumpgate technology/With many new systems being explored and research on ailien …