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  • question's: Clan's... What are they? What do they do? what's their advantages and dissadvantages? How do I make one? Will it cost me? To be honest, I don't know anything about multiplayer at all. But the other day some one offered to form a clan with me. But I had no idea what they were talking about. I knew that they were a group but that's about it. Roleplay. I'm so stuck with this... I don't even know what to ask. Could you just tell me the lot? Thanks for reading
  • Thanks to both of you. I really start to understand multiplayer now. And Yes, of course I'll join your group. I'll have a look at your forum ASAP
  • I've read all about the SA and I tried Posting a new thread to say I would like to join but It said that I need to login. Firstly Do I use the same login on swat portal forum? Then I tried creating a new login user, but it said that it would not let me and I would have to contact the admin... But how can I do that if I can't log in? Could you help me out here?
  • But everytime I register, something goes wrong and It says I need to talk with the admin... Maybe your right and It is a sign. I should start a new clan. It'll really Help me along abit. I'm just worryed about being put off or going so far and then have to do something I don't really want to do... Like paying And above all that! What should the name be? Once I have a name I'll be able to go a bit further. Will I have to make a forum and all that? What about asking permission? Who do I ask?Who d…
  • Well I was thinking maybe a trading clan... Like "Synth foods" and "universal shipping." Because most of the people I know on the game trade alot, and It's more of an open clan for newbe's just to let them see what it's like in a clan. I thought of a name for it already. Either the "AT" Or the "UCT" Both of which mean the same thing so It dosen't really matter. I'd like you guy's to choose which sounds the best. But which lisence would be for it? I know the clan will be ASF but that's about ti …
  • It doesn't matter now anyway... I've joined the SA
  • It dosen't matter now... I've joined the SA
  • Hold on a minute...Ignore that last post
  • Yes I am looking forward to it. Thank you... But I still seem to be wandering where to get my old ship back... "The Tempest." Don't think I'm just asking you because I want it. I did have it. It had 2 lvl 9 guns 4 lvl10 guns 1 turret 1 torpeado 1 cruise disruptor 1 mine and 1 counter measure dropper. it could carry 130 cargo stuff and had an armor of 130000 I think... Hope that's enough to perswade someone to tell me where I got it.
  • So long.... And thanks for all the fish! Best line ever....?Can you beat the recored?