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  • Every four years the world stops revolving for a month to watch the biggest event on the planet.[/img] ...Here's The Matchups...[/img] Of course England will prevail and conquer the masses to capture the most coveted trophy on the planet. Who do you tnink will win?
  • Playing football in South Africa at this time of the year is the perfect weather, especially for European teams. I mentioned before I love England, but also give a nod towards Holland, Germany, and Spain. My favorite underdogs are South Korea , Australia, or the US. It's going to be a spectacular event with loads of goals...what else could stop me playing CF for a month.
  • Let the games begin... All eyes will be focused on the World Cup for the next month. The first major battle will be England vs USA, Saturday June 12. My level of anticipation is equal to my first time entering the Altair System. I remember as a kid going to an english soccer game between Brighton and Millwall, some crazy fans were chucking darts at each other. And I thought the hostile aliens were badass. Off to Earth to park my ship for a while to watch this great spectacle.
  • World Cup 2010 Update: Group A South Africa 1 vs 1 Mexico Uruguay 0 vs 0 France Group B South Korea 2 vs 0 Greece Argentina 1 vs 0 Nigeria Group C England 1 vs 1 USA So far a great tournament in South Africa, with some great goals. I wonder how many Africans play Freelancer?
  • Being of English descent...I must live with the shame of this terrible mistake. Robert Green, England's keeper, won't even be able to get a job picking up the soap bar in the men's public shower room. I like to strap him to an asteriod in the Omega 41 system, then bring out all the little Corsair pilots for target practice. Oh well...the World Cup...always full of surprises... That noise you're referring to Huor is like being inside a oil barrel as it drops over Niagara's sooooo irri…
  • Just watched the England vs Algeria...the most BORING game I have ever had to endure... Nothing actually happened in the's games like this that I really wish soccer had cheerleaders... I think I'll do some housework just to cheer me up...
  • (Quote from Huor) This old lady on my postal route told me this: "No man has ever been shot doing the dishes." LOL Watching the world cup games on TV with that background noise is like listening to a trapped mosquito in your camping tent at night... Not even the big european countries are sure they're going to win, the results so far have offerred many surprises.
  • it's pretty obvious to many soccer viewers who also play CF, that the referees have been infected with Nomads. I thought I saw a soccer ball in the Nomad Outpost in Styx, or was it that buzzing sound I heard. I would like to extend my sympathies to the French team and offer them each a free entry pass to the Inner Core. Big test for the English and German teams tommorrow...they could possibly end up playing each other in the next round. The girl in the previous picture is definitely eye candy, …
  • (Quote from Michael) Evil?...That's not evil ...Re-routing the french team's plane to Afghanistan, now that's evil I wonder if they will complain about the gunfire like they did about the vuvuzela's?
  • Italy and France out of the world cup...WOW What wonders still await us soccer viewers? I really don't think England will beat The Germans, they're just not good enough. My money is still on a Netherlands vs Brazil final.
  • I was watching the England vs Germany game today and guess what happened? Revenge for the German team of the 1966 world cup final, when Geoff Hurst's goal was allowed, when it was clearly not a goal, and the germans lost the cup. I must say I just stopped crying over England's loss, but the young german team was truly inspired in their play, and will definitely give Argentina a run for their money. Now who should I cheer for?
  • hit the nail right on the head I agree... England has had and still has the weakest GK position in international football, even the African GK's played above their pay grade. England was uninspired in their play and fragmented as a team. Key players were tired and the team looked old. The coach Capello could have done so much more with the players he had, but he didn't even try to find the right combo. This was the worse display of english football I've seen in my lifetime. Right now t…
  • Deep down I would love to see a...Netherlands vs Germany game It would be a rematch of 1974 and the media would have a field day with it. The question is, "Is Ghana strong enough to make the finals?".
  • nice video OP...kindda looks like a new rp for Arrow... An unbelievable soccer game today, I must say the Germs are on a roll and I think the dutch may be the only ones to put a chink in their armour. To all German fans...Enjoy today's victory it was a World Cup Classic
  • Prediction...Nederlands vs Germany in the Final... I have friends on both sides...already at each other... it reminds me of a CSF vs ASF. So far it's been a great World Cup
  • Ole' Spain Spain simply outplayed the Germans, they seemed to want it more and therefore were more aggressive. The Germans looked flat and they really missed Mueller up front. This World Cup has really lived up to the surprise it is, two teams that have never won the cup, now in the final, what else could anyone hope for. I'll be watching the game with my dutch buddies, but my bet is on Spain to finally win the grand prize.
  • Gentlemen...We are in for a great World Cup Final game... All the pieces of the puzzle are set...two great teams, two first-time countries, and two nations that have been wanting the big prize for many years. It's going to be a battle just like ASF vs CSF The only think missing for this great matchup is... (Hidden Content)
  • The World Cup Final was an overwhelming success, full of firsts, wonderful goals, and many surprises. 1st - Spain 2nd - Nederlands 3rd - Germany 4th - Uruguay The individual player awards were correct IMHO; Spain - Champions and Fair Play Award Thomas Mueller(Germany) - Winner -Golden Boot (Highest Scoring player) and Best Young Player Awards Diego Forlon (Uruguay) - Golden Ball - Most Valuable Player Iker Casillas (Spain) - Golden Glove - Most Valuable Goalkeeper THANKS SOUTH AFRICA FOR A GREA…