Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) I do not understand exactly what your primary goal is here, OPR8R. Are you trying to sell the site? Looking for an admin? Looking for someone to take over your contract?
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) Personally, I like the new colors. However, boobs are always good, so use your judgment, OP.
  • (Quote from Huor) Wait... are you saying that this thread has a topic? (other than boobs?) I could be wrong, but I thought that OPR8R may have been trying to say something meaningful in his first post. Instead of letting him clarify his thoughts, a dozen other people jumped in with their own agendas. I would like to hear what he has to say. Sometimes OP has a good idea, you know? (I could list a dozen off the top of my head... more if I thought about it). Let the man speak. .