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  • A favor

    as i said b4 "few smuggler destinations in one single day will do" and without uber secrets about locations (i know how to find route but many newcomers have no clue) @ Opcan u put info with some clues about uber routes in daily news.This will help the game.technically possible?
  • A favor

    i disagree If so how u can explain Gunny's presence or Voss's 2, not to mention all this ppl with huge amount of money in their virtual banks in 1.7?As usually if OP say something then many of u guys start to nod with ur heads and thinking process is finished. Anyway this (trading) is not the reason for empty server, in contrary "easy" trading will attract many newbies(some of them will stay*).I am old enough to have patience and can trade for days, do RP, do PvP and whatever...How many old pla…
  • A favor

    (Quote from keli) (Quote from Shockwave) (Quote from DC_Crysis) (Quote from keli) (Quote from Shockwave) (Quote from keli) (Quote from Bond) (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) (Quote from keli) (Quote from Shockwave)yes guys i like ur logic too