Search Results

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  • I believe all of you guys are tired of the repetitive fantasy mmorpgs . Magic powers , incredible spells and other similar stuff , ofc we must take a look at the "good" arsenal of the fantasy mmo's such as Aion , World of Warcraft , Lineage , Guild Wars + the F2P invasion of the same kind. But always you want something bigger , something more incredible , somethig that can really attracts you into the game scene . All of us love the planets , stars , nubalaes and so on. A great landscape of a f…
  • MMO Sanctuary's Head writer Caleb Thompson pose some questions in an interview with Assistant Product Manager, Christian Schuett, of Gamigo. Q. What was the basis for creating Black Prophecy? Is there a particular IP behind its theme, or is this simply an entity of its own?A. Black Prophecy was completely developed from scratch. Originally planned as a single player game, Michael Marrak created a dark and dense universe which was the foundation for the overall game design. In the further course…
  • it will come with some great expansions / updates, the first one will include "station walking" . That will make you play it hehee . It will be a great game i guess
  • indeed a great dream... blame MS for not releasing the open source code...