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  • Great work Max:)I agree with you day, but my biggest concern is the lack of RP.when i join this community about a year ago everytime i enter the server there was a pirate taxing a merc hunting and cops chasing smugglers.There were mass batles between ASF and CSF.My question is... Where is DC, BG, CFPD,SMG,LP,Fallen and IOC? is tehre any trade routes profitable like sos runs nowadays?I see many new events, but the rest of the time where are u guys?
  • Glad to see DC around. I usualy see darthjay flying around and fallen from time to time.i have a couple sugestions to make.I would love to help, but i am not a programer so i may give only some ideias.Restore some of the old trade routes. like sos sol and the NB-sttugart. Why.. In my opinion even legally trading, most pirates/cops mercs were nearby watching the trade routes.Even after OP changed the bright yellow arena, in my opinion arena is still too bright. I cant see my cursor if i move too…