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  • Well after waiting to see if things would change for about 2-3 days now I have to post. I know it's not just me at this point the Crossfire server has been running restarts every 20 minutes or so it' may need a hard restart or something as FL hook commands are no longer working properly. If I am wrong I apologize just asking that this matter be looked into, thank you for all your hard work thus far.
  • ok so um I got this down to a science it's restarts every 15 minutes right on the money guess it may just be a lost cause whatever I'm leaving for Military service soon anyway least I tried to get it fixed and about support from the players I'm pretty lost on that one maybe try to explain how we could support SWAT a little more maybe I would be less confused
  • Sorry I never meant to start a fuss I was just addressing an issue for the record I personally love CF I would hate to see it die out just because some people do not have anything good to say or whatever the case may be
  • yeah I was thinking it was people not restarting there clients too but that can't be the case when it keeps happening at 4 in the morning when there is only about 2-3 people in the server and on top of that FL hook has not been working so it has to be a server issue
  • well the server is running superb now don't know what the problem was but it's great now and yes there is a lack of RP but in the past 2-3 days I have giving and offered my help to about 3-4 players and they all love the mod so maybe we just need more people out there helping out a bit... you know like ask them if they might want some pointers, maybe a bit of cash or tell them about the starting quest ect. these things help to bring more and more players. I would like to enjoy CF more but I see…