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  • ummmm i thought that was what space was about the unknown seeking adventure and seeing whats around the next corner so to speak. i,ve flown across sol yep not forgetting dk gunboats dropping in ouch long way to start again but thats the game but there is a lot of other great area,s to explore and challenge a pilot in op,s creative imagination. i don,t find any of the systems boring especially those aleins in inner core yahoo back to space. NO NOT BETWEEN MY EARS EITHER LOL
  • if something is put right in our lap then whats the challenge nothing however it,s just out of our reach then we strive to get it the challenge not knowing whats out there. the balance of fear and excitement. in space movie,s for example the have to go into deep sleep chambers cause it,s boring but they still go and remember come back. sol has plenty of room for scope later on maybe another chapter but thats op,s direction we still have a lot of challenges at the moment to over come see you in …