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  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)One definition of insanity is "to keep doing the same things and expect different results". -- Stephen Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Crossfire is unique among Freelancer mods in its "closed" nature. You do most of the work yourself, you try to "protect" things that you do not have the skill or resources to protect (without causing other problems), and you have private forums for anything substantial. How does a smart guy, like you, not notice that th…
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)As I said, I don't care what you do, OP. And "blame" is a judgment, which is not my style. I merely observed that some of your actions lead to your own frustration. I am not the first person to observe that, and it does not take a genius to see it... it is pretty obvious. Do what you like. But remember: I offered to help in several substantial ways; by doing some important things that you cannot do yourself. So why is your response to flame me? I did nothing to provoke a…
  • Come on, OP... your response is just plain oppositional. You know the answers, you know that my examples are good, and you know that there are many more examples. The point is that people want to help you. You do everything in your power (as in your responses to me, above) to discourage them and to make working with you unpleasant. But it is your project and you can do whatever you want with it. If you are getting your intended results, then, by all means, continue.
  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R)Sure, OP. > for ages i am begging for help Where? In the Crossfire Mod Forum? Or someplace else where people who follow Crossfire may not see it? > nothing happens Why not? (Hint: It is not for lack of interest, enthusiasm, or talent in the Crossfire community.) > NEVER i have rejected help when it was offered (if that help actually would have been able to introduce positive changes) If you think that fixing your installer, common crashes, and user frustration would not …
  • (Quote from SA_ARROW)It is not a clash of personalities, Sam. It is one strong personality clashing with a lot of people who try to help the guy. Many others have said similar things... I was hoping that, perhaps, I could say it in a way that could reach OP's considerable rational side. Not today, apparently. I have no emotional connection to the matter at all... I am a mostly-disinterested third party with just enough interest in Freelancer to offer to contribute to a good project -- but only …
  • (Quote from Daywalker) Exactly. The only point that I ever tried to make is that OP sometimes discourages people from wanting to help him. PS: He misquoted me then ranted about his own mis-quotes. I have always been supportive of both OP and Crossfire.