Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • Windows 7 is performing great for CF
  • Problem is that ATI card...and Im not being funny. Try using the ATI overclocking utility to tweak your setting slightly and that should help. Also you should download Game Booster, matter of fact, all of you should. This will shut down any resources not needed on your PC for gameplay and you can customize it too. G
  • extros Even with overclocking from Bios, with the PC specs you have posted, you can't push the performance to the level needed for 1.8. I would suggest reinstalling using the "Legacy" mode option. Also overclocking the bios does not ramp up the video card as effectively as using the ATI catalyst system or Nvidia tools ( for Nvidia users). RivaTuner is the best and most effective all around for the graphics cards with fail-safes built in. Do you have any of your voltages increased to compensate …
  • No actually it doesn't up until this past year of 2009.
  • Most were not and usually ran on 1.5v or a higher end used 1.8v Now most moderate to MB's run on 1.8v standard and can adjust to 2.2v to 3.5v. However just because the MB can do this doesn't mean that the hardware being attached will allow the MB to raise the voltage automatically in the firmware or software, without the user doing it manually and agreeing to the TOS first.
  • I use air and Im fine and I assure you I push one of the highest performing systems on CF. Its all about proper case size, layout of the hardware and air flow direction. Heat causes the density of the circuits to decrease due to expansion, therefore data and electrical current are depleted by not having a solid transfer line. Sort of taking a solid cup of ice and crushing the ice inside...conductivity is substantially decreased. As for overclocking the CPU, you can overclock it all you want, bu…
  • (Quote) Oh its quite possible and has been done, but the amount of cooling that was used was far beyond any capacity any of us have available. Matter of fact, to achieve that sort of overclocking, you would have to push your voltage limits beyond 2.10v, maintain cooling at about -10c and your rails on your motherboard need to be able to handle 2.10v plus for the CPU. So you would not only need nitrogen cooling just to achieve this goal, you would also need nitro cooling on your motherboard OR s…