Search Results

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  • One of the things I loved about CF 1.7 was the huge distance I could see the wormholes from, like a speckle in the distance (from like 150k and more), especially when compared with Shattered Worlds mod, where the wormholes became visible within about 10k. This distance is decreased in CF 1.8, so I was wondering if it would be possible to edit the distance at which wormholes become visible without it being considered cheating/tweaking/grounds-for-banning? Or is this an issue of graphics performa…
  • @OP - Yeah, that's what I get too, about 30-50k and then wormholes show up. So there is no way of increasing that distance to, say, 200k, without it affecting the rest of the game? Diablo - Maybe that's supposed to be like that, Nisrial is pretty close to the planet LP, maybe it's visible through the atmosphere. Spiky - Advanced shader or something like that? Because, they're not showing for me... AwesomeMan - Is there a an editable variable for this?
  • Yeah, all wormholes, not the dimensional rift in Sol. Inferno - Actually, I was thinking of optical visibility, which isn't affected by scanner range. AwesomeMan - Do you know specifics, or should I make backups and dig around?
  • Nebulas are special - wormholes there have other variables, or the nebulas modify them - i see Sigma 19 - Sigma 13 JH at only about 5-6k... So there are multiple modifiers (possibly one for each nebula type)... Just an observation.
  • Hehe, OK then, I won't meddle with those. Thnx anyway.