Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • i docked at the New Berlin JG ... crashed in it , nothing important , when i undocked from the planet stuttgard, the server crashed , and again , and again , and again , OP you were online ... so actually the crash came from me (logical ) but why ? i didnt do anything.
  • thats what we need OP , we need to bring more players... because we will reach to 10 player per day... that will be boring and no one is gonna appreciate your work ... ill try to send everywhere i can the word about CF and all should understand that if they experience a bug or a crash... dont leave so fast .
  • i've posted a "motivating comment" on Moddb , if its not good remove it ...
  • OP , you said about implementing an anticheat stuff , maybe you can create some sort of , version detector that can refuses your connection with the server or something similar. If other ppl come and play with the old version (wich i think is almost impossible) disable the last site of Crossfire or maybe someone can help you to fully update it .
  • maybe an IP detection of all the incorrect FL restars should be created if possible . With that you could ban every idiot who doesn't follow the god damn rules ! I'm so sick of dozens of newbs that don't know how to restart the game and play by the rules not THEIR F*** OWN !! Another thing , OP you could FORCE them to read if they don't want to , then they will be more receptive ! If not , epic fail at server connection ! Also if they try to connect , refuse the connection with an ironic messag…
  • so it's all about server crashes because of other players who don't know how to restart FL , but now ... why the server crashes when no one affects it for Ex : 3 h of intense play then disconnect (or this is the server rr ? not at 3h but at 5 h )
  • nope my PC is powerful enough , it's not from me . And yes about the organic dust , it's cool but "everywhere"