Search Results

Search results 1-7 of 7.

  • When 1.63 was released and the dynamic economy was introduced, we had the same crashing problems and the crashes were due to people using bugs in the trading to make high amounts of money. It is quite possible this is the case again and people are simply not reporting what they find. Example: BMG Station BluePrints are found at the Triangulum Dock 2 ( selling) and New London Planet ( selling) and one other place ( selling ) for the lowest price. I did not think the Dynamic Economy allowed for t…
  • Thats because most nights it the veterans of CF who are playing. We are aware of what you are saying Bond and what you said before. We are giving more ideas to the potential problem so Op can find a solution.
  • I can be available most of the day on Tuesday ( US time, -0500 gmt). Will send you my test char info if you need me to do something. PM with instructions.
  • @Hellraiser.....this is why we have said time and time again, that it is a bad idea to run programs other than what is needed while gaming online. Many issues can be generated by the client, including running messenger programs, voice chats, AVG's, downloading, corrupted install of the game or improperly installed game files. ( this is why we have a specific method here on CF for installing this mod). I am one who supports passwording the server to those who register here on SWAT and only after…
  • No one said it was you, we are just discussing the possibilities of why crashes occur.
  • Maybe he should do another character wipe, since some people decided to use a trading bug in the first week of the mod release. Which imo could cause issues if these players chars are corrupted or they are still using some unreported exploits. I vote for another wipe.
  • then code a message into the launcher that they must read and acknowledge before the game will launch....or find a way to not allow a relog , so it forces the player to re-launch