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  • double post ><
  • (Quote) yep its pretty apocalypse when you trade for a day to get 100mil+ and lose most of it because the damn server is crashing every 20 minutes i wont log-in the next week imo...
  • spiky you are pretty much ignorant....maybe he saved money for better ships and equipment and once he got the money he needs he would go to explore and suchand maybe to you playing consists nothing else but exploring with a starflyer , but for others this may not be truefor example with my friend we gathered money for train and then for a good spaceship, but i still didn't buy my ship cuz i cant get to vorkuta jump gate from tomsk jump gate because the server crashes and drops me back to tomsk …
  • one hour is pretty much time spiky, so it is not as easily and i couldn't kill 4 ancients with an eagle and a bad shield + wreck weapons, i guess im the noob then and you are not sarcastic, you totally think you are right am i giving it up easily? while playing i have experienced about 100+ crashes, and i got tired of it that i cant get to vorkuta from tomsk jump gate, it was just simply enough for me, now ill wait for a stable server and then start playing again
  • a fixed CF of course this is not a questionbut it has nothing to do with losing your money..