Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • I lost 30 mil, but in a fighter, not a train. I thought as first i had made some mistake, but as i see here others loose some too. At least i can make 30 mil back, feel sorry for those that lost more. Also lost power gens before aswell, but lateley, it doesnt seem to be happening. Been online a lot and none have disapeared in past 3 days.I will try buying a ship very soon, and see if it gets lost in the transfer stage, this is where i thought i lost it before, i thought it was my mistake.
  • Ive not owned a train, or any cap ship for that matter. I've just had an Eagle, an APC a Warblade and a Bastard, so i couldnt exploit that, if that the docking with train thing were talking about. perhaps i did mistake in my calculations and i didnt loose the money then, or perhaps some money given to me was dirty cash? I made my money with an APC standard dock to dock on the BMG run that i learned by watching PX clan. I've logged 20 hours more than my char shows because i had to delete and rem…
  • ? ive never had a train though, maybe i was missed out in the ship check?, still, i dont care about 30mil, its just the principal of being punished for something i didnt do, and cant have done. well, i blame everyone in a train for this. Thanks those that cheated [5]
  • i've made about 15 million back in taxing people, much more fun than trading i dont need or have zillions.
  • we should all respect each others way of playing CF, so long as they are acting within server rules. Some people like to trade. Personally i know why Titius did only trading, and i respect it. He and some others who trade are regular tax payers, and some use the money to hire mercs to protect them. And if Spiky does want to map everything to benefit the knowledge base of BG clan, then who are we to stop him. With this money thing, we take it on the chin. And move on, OP did what he feels was ri…
  • I would welcome a char wipe again if it meant the server is more stable and more bug free. CF Server is more important than the chars we make up. We can always make new chars, but CF is one of a kind.