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  • Two things I wanna ask about, not sure if they count as bugs. 1. I am playing CF 1.8 on normal single player with a german FL-Installation and encounter kind of a speech mix-up.At the bars Trent talks english an the NPCs talk german.In mission the "minor" NPCs (chitchat of other noninvolved pilots, Beta 4 in 1st mission part 2, the pilots of involved freighters as the USV Brandt or the Transport leader to Willard) and Trent talk english while i.e. King and Juni talk german. Why ? 2. When flying…
  • Thanks for the quick reply.
  • Little ship-bug The LCA Typhoon (cfpericlese.cmp) shows ingame only nine of twelve engine flames but on the model (viewed with hardcmp) all engine hardpoints are in their proper place and the shiparch.ini calls also for twelve exhaust nozzles. [SIZE=3]????????[/SIZE]
  • Could/should be a question on my NOOB TO MULTIPLAY thread.;) When you restart after a new installation and you go multiplay, there will pop up a disclaimer window, that shows a line of numbers and letters in a box at the bottom. Check this with the ID you have written/printed/tattooed by your hand and compare.:D If it fits - GO GO GO ! ASTRONAUT !If not type the number you have. Everytime I did it, the previous code came up by itself. [SIZE=1](Spooky, ME having helping someone with "online"gami…
  • just the moment I encountered thie (see below) prior to a server down. Any suggestiones ? [SIZE=1](It's supposed to be a Komodo Dragon.)[/SIZE] EDIT: Crashed now 4times in a row while being at omicron minor exploration, each time after about 2 min flying (plz see time of edit).[SIZE=1](enough for me for tonight.)[/SIZE] EDIT 2: Happily this morning no more chrashes, exploration of the named system goes well, so far.:) But still curious about what might have caudes this at the picture.
  • 1. On exploring Omicron minor (on line gaming) I found two objects, that play a role in the story line, but weren't "usable" now. Only usable on story line or will they be later down the line of quests again ? 2. The NPC faction I meet in Omicron minor rejects giving me missions on "bad reputation". But they don't show up on my reputation window ??
  • On playing online I encountered, what can bee seen in the pic the Bullpup Mk I first at base with some new colors next in space with a as it looks like mixture of textures Is it a bug or part of the ongoing model/texture changes, as announced for the next update ?
  • sorry, don't know how to attach 2 pics
  • Already done. The Bullpup keeps changing "clothes".
  • (Quote) Have a look here…9b5aee2d2653dead693cdd0d2