Search Results

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  • well, i DL 1.8 yesterday. is that the "latest" version? i tried to DL 1.8 about 2 or 3 days ago and couldn't DL anything because OP took it offline. i've installed it (several times) and i think i finally have the right settings. i just need the server to remain stable long enough to test it out.-PipeHitter.
  • hey, that's a good idea. *why didn't i think about that?*-PipeHitter.
  • ok everyone, please don't beat me up for asking an obvious question but with the "almost" release of 1.81, does that mean i have to do a complete clean out of 1.8 and a complete new re-install of FLMM and 1.81? i'm only asking because i want to make sure i'm doing it right and i'm sure there's someone out there that doesn't want to be the first one to ask. it might as well be me...-PipeHitter.