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  • Hi Guys, I can't see any Bar based rumours in Coalition any more, and consequently can't seem to continue the story. (unless Im missing something obvious - very possible) I've got the first couple of BB's and dont know what to do next. Have I messed something up?e.g by selling datadisks/ blackboxes, possibly accidently destroying the contents of a wreck? ..or is it a bug/ temporary omission? Many Thanks. PS Am planning to join the MP server very soon, once Ive at least completed the 1.7 storyli…
  • (Quote) Thanks Bullwinkle, I guess I posted in this thread thinking that the 'disappearing bar news' might be a bug, but then digressed into something totally different. New thread started in the spoiler section. (Oh, and I by 1.7 part of the story, I meant everything that existed pre-1.8. I am, of course, running the latest 1.8.1 )