Search Results

Search results 1-2 of 2.

  • OP, here's the most important things I think you should fix :-add in the Activation Menu so that we can choose (for Open SP) the money to start with (just like in CF 1.7). A reputation choice would also be lovely : Default, Neutral to all, Friendly to all, Hostile to all (like in Discovery 4.85).-perhaps you can add some descriptions for video settings... we're not entirely sure of some's (lol word fail) effects... at all ^^.-that HUD/menu look/cursors preview I told you about on the other topic…
  • That was not a demand. It was just a suggestion ^^. P.S: I really think you should add that to OpenSP. It's your decision, ultimately, but I'm telling you, OpenSP should have ~1 billion credits .