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  • I really love what I have seen so fare. It's definitely a master piece. now fro the bug report: 1-There was a server crash earlier today and since then all / commands stopped working (confirmed by many players)2- In hiruga when you come close to a jh, the voice keep saying anomaly detected non stop in loop. (confirmed by 2 players). I have not seen thsi bug anywhere else.
  • (Quote) I do not mean it says it for a few times when you come close to a group of jh. I mean when you come close to any jh even the few isolated ones it keep saying it non stop. With no time between the end of a warning and the begining of an other. Chugoku has a few jh similarely close by and it doesn't do it there.
  • OMG, that's hilarious. How the hell did that happen.
  • Once only smugglers can trade BMG, money will be much harder to obtain.
  • And it would allow people to easily hide their money where pirates can't get at it. So I prefer the current system. Anyway, I'm not sure features that allow people to play the multi-player with less and less interactions with other is a good idea.