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  • Hello everyone, Its my first time here and so greetings to everyone and so far an amazing mod!! I have a standard plug in 2 button (wheel in the middle) Logitech mouse and when i try in game to fire with the right mouse button, it does nothing. Ive tried configuring it but to no avail? am i doing something wrong or is there a known patch or workaround for this problem? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  • no im new to this forum and have not tried MP yet.. im referring to the single player.. Tried flying with this mod and in the first mission (escort mission with king)the firing of the mouse dosent work (right mouse button.. maybe im doin something wrong but i do plan to start MP Thanks for the input greatly appreciated
  • yes the right mouse works in other flight sims, etc.. just fine.. i think i will take ur advice and explore this further I just started MP for the first time and its very interesting.. any advice on what gun configs work the best to start of with? (as im sure ill fix this mouse problem with a bit of time) Cheers, Blue781
  • here is an update to my problem.. with the Crossfire MP all works fine.. can fly and right mouse button shoots great.. but when i try single player it does not function at all.. i can fly but thats it.. any ideas??
  • hahahah yep looks like it... see you hopefully on the flipside my name game name is Blue782 and im runnin cargo at the moment
  • hi, No i dont think i enabled it.. but it could be something thats causing it.. its weird it works fine no issues MP.. but SP nothing.. i can fly everything else works just not the right mouse firing issue..
  • (Quote) errr ya did that already....... you know i have played this game before...... No one likes to be made felt like an idiot for asking a question or having a problem.. (a mouse problem i may add.. which still works fine in MP but does not work in SP.. all settings are the same..)