Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • So if I understand right, these guys took stuff from Crossfire and dint ask or even give credit for it? Man, that's low! It really sucks when ppl don't give you credit for your hard work! As far as a copyright goes, tho, I'm not entirely crtain that you can copyright a mod for an allready established IP (tho I could be rong lol). Do you have any documentation or anything that you could use to prove a copyright claim? Or maybe you could find a loophol of some kind that would let you claim copyrig…
  • Is that your real name, AwesomeMan? Because that might not have been the best thing to do if it was.
  • I'm just making sure, man. Don't want any of those asshats to go after you, I've seen how they operate before. Also EXCELLENT work on the wiki!
  • Trainwiz is right, all you're doing is encouraging them. As everyone's favorite prez, George Dubya, once said - "Such action would serve no purpose other than to embolden the turrists." He then went back to drawing pictures with his crayons, but the relevance of the statement still stands.