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  • (Quote) That would be the normal thing to do, except for one thing: Microsoft owns Freelancer (and most things related to Freelancer). So OP can copyright CF, but a court would have to debate his legal "ownership" of every tiny bit of it... and that is a LOT of stuff to debate! At minimum it would make a court battle expensive for OP. If it became public enough for Microsoft to step in, then CF would risk being closed down. OP did the right thing -- as he often seems to do when there is a dispu…
  • (Quote) Law, and the practice of law, are two entirely different things. No matter what the law might be, a company with a huge legal budget and lawyers on retainer is going to win the majority of cases. Judges are unpredictable, and juries more so. Going into court is never a sure thing, and the risk is too high here, IMHO (although IANAL). This is not a contest that can be won in a courtroom. OP is doing the right thing. No normal, decent, board will tolerate Pastaspace for long. PS: My grand…
  • (Quote) OP, I am certain that you have the influence to do the above, and I agree that Pastaspace and 4chan are unhealthy. But you cannot fight with a skunk without taking a lot of the stink on yourself. You can probably beat Pastaspace, but I don't think that 4chan can be beaten so easily. Like the Paparrazi, Al-Qaeda, and The Pirate Bay, there is no single vulnerability, and failed attempts to stop them only increase their determination and "public support" -- as fringe as that might be. Woul…
  • (Quote) Are you talking about what happened to The Lancer's Reactor? What DID happen to TLR, anyway? I see that they have a new (unfinished) site and I have seen various threads making vague references, but I have not seen a clear description of what happened. That includes your TLR Newsflash thread here. I was away from Freelancer for a year or two. When I tried to RTB late last year, all that was left of TLR was an asteroid field and a few life pods. It was spooky... kinda like Freeport 7! Ha…
  • (Quote) Oh, wow. Sorry to hear about that! TLR was great in its day.
  • (Quote) You might want to quit while you're ahead. Speaking of _______ base, do they really have ray guns there?
  • (Quote) It's a PHASR . Seriously. It is a low-power laser used to temporarily blind and disorient personnel. (Guns that cause permanent blindness are banned by the UN.) But it is funnier to call it a "ray gun".
  • (Quote) I can imagine that they are awesome -- which suits you, AwesomeMan! Is the effect of the PHASR something like a long-range taser? That you don't have to reload after each shot? Or like a long-range, single-target flash-bang? Non-lethal weapons are cool. If people had those at home then there would be far fewer crimes of passion. Well, there might be MORE stunned spouses, but at least they would avoid all of the blood and paperwork that firearms create. But, wait... if the Air Force has …
  • Nicely said, Harvey! We all love Crossfire... it really is an excellent work of art. And the worst thing that the dickheads did was to be dickheads. If they had built a "greatest hits of Freelancer" mod, with credit and permissions, then everybody would be happy about it rather than pissed off. In the past, sites like TheLancersReactor did a great job of learning how to mod and sharing the knowledge. Each new modder contributed to the pool of knowledge. We are all here, today, because of that o…
  • (Quote) I told you to look around, Hellraiser! (Quote) What?! I don't see any similarity at all, Phillips. One is clearly yellow while the other is somewhere between pink and red. Just kidding... but OP does credit his sources in the ReadMe and elsewhere, and there are several members of the Swat community who live in countries where Russian is common. (Quote)OP... Phillips' post is more funny than offensive. He is obviously making a joke (ok, maybe a "pointed joke") and anybody reading this th…
  • (Quote) I know... and giving credit to original artists is a serious topic. You must have put thousands of hours into Crossfire. But life is a balancing act. Too much of anything is... well... too much. Part of the price of being a celebrity is that people will tease you... it happens to all public figures. Smile and enjoy it!