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  • Good idea for a event , just a few points ..If using a starflier , use the same as when u join the game .. no new sheilds or thrusters .. guns only .. up to lvl 3.Might need more time for the event thou as an evading starflier is so hard to kill . Rhineland Banshee LF might be a good choice to , again basic off the shelf configuration .. but wider choice of weapons up to lvl 7 . Could even use a Rhino freighter , again same off the shelf configuration , but guns of your choice .. more kills mor…
  • Yep true about the amour ..but i dont want to shoot all day at someone with lvl 10 amour .. cus thats what it can carry .. plus lvl 3 weaps will you do diddly to it .. lets just leave it as basic what u buy from manhatten . but with lvl 3 guns .. that way everyones equal .. not just thous who can afford the upgrades ..