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  • This is indeed the best example how people are acting dishonorable.
  • Hello, we did a honest approach here, the first post was meant to clear things up while taking our responsibility for one of our members wrong doing. This wasn´t a post from Stephno personal, he wrote it in the name and under his authority within PX after it was going through the whole Council and after it was announced to all of our members. Starting to flame this thread is starting to flame on all of our members - and this way you personaly will be seen from a group of people you try to play …
  • (Quote) I do not want a comment on this by any PX please! edit: because Stephan was directly adressed it´s his right to answer of course - sry Steph..
  • @ Diablo just to clear it now for you without referring to the situation here and your personal attacks on me or your behavior in this thread, you are simply wrong in putting the suicide stuff in, i adressed your complains directly to the mentioned member after you brought them to me. When i saw it, done by him, i took my time and explained why not to suicide and that we don´t do such things - also it´s written in our Clans Handbook, so anyone joins us knows it. The Member you are referring to …
  • oh cmon´ Michael, where is the muting topic came from? You should realy know me and us better. To make it open and i think i don´t tell anything new. Yes, for some internal reasons some Chars are muted - but no Players are it´s their decision. Actualy we are encouraging our Members to have a talk in System Channel now and then. The |PX|Council is a democratic Institution build by Nomination and Election. Because we are building all positions up already with patience and personal developments no…