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  • How about, to try with more activity Diablo.You are rarely on line.But ok, i can understand ur frustration. Catch me in my train char, and np.I always pay tax while in trade char.Do not except from me to pay tax while patrolling in fighter.This is ridiculous. You talking about RP, tell me pls did you ever try to recruit smb. Yes this can be boring, but could be useful for RP.Atm FYI, few of them want to become pee-rats.Do not expect from me, to recruit for Pee-rats.This is against server rules …
  • (Quote)[696][688] [662] [728] j/k ahha, one to enlighten me, and what you think(Angel heart) how urs and others, merc and pee-rats clan receive some of new members (in past 8 months).By accident, or maybe by charming...[953] DiabloYes ppl trying to help, and you have a great fun
  • @oMarauderi am immune on this Bikini bull s-word, especially if you wear it
  • ...but when Ladies try to tax me, i can imagine this "WW" and pay whatever is price ______________________ Huor Yes and ty, this remind me on something obvious, no need to wrote anything, only to cite ur words is more then enough. lol (Quote)[696] several hours later... (Quote)[697] and special song for you and me...