Search Results

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  • Pirate roleplay is not about making money - or obtaining taxes. It is about making people nervous - especially established players and clans on the server. It is about ensuring that the fat arrogant cops realise space is not safe. It is about being free to do whatever you want (according to server rules) and driving the best roleplay on the server. I wish it was not this way - but I am afraid it is. And I wish you best luck.
  • (Quote) I could say if you are a pirate - and met Gunny in space - you already know how its done - hahaha. Secondly - I would like to start another petition along my "Save the Karak", "Freedom of Travel", "More environmental friendly weaponry" exisitng petitions. New petition - sign below "Oh Great Op and Creator - we your humble deviants and denizens of your magnificant creation - humbly request that Gunny (aka Mafioso, aka Keocuk, Boss, That Judge he used to have, The Most Dangerous man alive…