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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Agreed on all counts.
  • (Quote) Damn - German health care is even better than I thought.
  • Ignoring Bitzy's insistence on using the same pun three times I am a tad surprised. Erfurt seems to be a rather interesting place, OP. If I were there I'd certainly get drawn to the Krämerbrücke and the cathedral (mostly to take an absurd number of pictures)... and that's before I'd even know where the hell I am and what there is to see. Maybe it'd do you some good to wander around and take in the local sights a bit. It's easy to take for granted what one has nearby. It can be nice to rediscover…
  • I live two miles south of a town with 14,000 people in it on a small alfalfa/thistle/tumbleweed field so badly eroded that it's parched, sun-baked dust and clay. The closest I've gotten to a cultural immersion here is to sneak up to a bison ranch, squint, and pretend like it's 500 years ago. Or that time I rode a train. Or lurked in the forest and came across an abandoned homestead property. You stop for a moment and are awestruck if a building features an elevator or a third floor. Seriously. …