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  • Top Ten

    1. Zelda, Ocarina of Time (i have 3 copies for different consoles of this game and must have beaten it at least 20 times)2.Zelda, LTTP3.Conkers Bad Fur Day (this game isnt as well known as most games but is just great)4.Banjo Kazooie5. Perfect Dark (beats goldeneye hands down)6.Rollercoaster Tycoon (not the best of games but it earns a place by providing alot of replay)7.Super Mario 648.Sonic & Knuckles9.Star Wars, Rebel strike10.Rayman 2, (dunno why but i love this game)
  • Top Ten

    i know it is a classic i have got it but i prefer perfect dark, mostly because it is an updated version of goldeneye, it has voice acting, nicer guns, more fuctions, relaistic reloads, more features to do such as the firing range and challenges and one thing that makes it just great is Elvis one thing though, rareware definately used to make the best games around